Can a Dog Bite Make You Feel Sick?

Some dogs struggle to control their emotions. They may jump, become grabby, or bite if they experience overwhelming joy, excitement or fear. While the discomfort of a play bite may subside after a few hours, an aggressive bite might inflict severe injury or cause infections.

After a bite, most people will be immediately concerned about physical injuries, but 15 to 20% of bites can lead to an infection. A dog’s mouth carries over 600 different types of bacteria. When their teeth break human skin, bacteria can enter the body and open the door to different types of infection.

Symptoms that could indicate an infection

Stopping the bleeding and washing the wound with soap and water are the first things you should do if you get bitten. If the wounds are too large or deep, going to the doctor immediately is crucial.

Expect some redness, pain, and soreness in the area, but other symptoms may develop within the next 48 hours. Any symptoms that manifest and show no improvement could be a bad sign.

Below are some possible signs of an infection:

  • Pus discharge from the wound
  • Loss of feeling around the bite
  • Red streaks around the bite area
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Fever
  • Shaking or chills
  • Night sweats
  • Difficulty breathing

Aside from not cleaning the area immediately, factors such as having a compromised immune system or suffering puncture wounds and crushing injuries from the bite may contribute to infection. A bite can potentially progress from a minor discomfort to a major health risk. That’s why it’s so important to seek medical attention straight away.

Moreover, if it was someone else’s dog that bit you, having a medical record could help you recover compensation for your injuries. A dog bite must be taken seriously. Some infections are treatable with antibiotics, but others might require hospitalization.