Sutten Law Group

A picture of the back of a person 's head.

3 Signs That Your Loved One Could Face Nursing Home Neglect

Nursing homes exist in no small part to provide medical support and to facilitate a...
A picture of the back of a person 's head.

3 Reasons Why Your Dog Bite Claim May Be Denied

A dog attack can be very traumatic. The moments following a dog attack can be...
A picture of the back of a person 's head.

How Much Will Insurance Pay After a New Mexico Car Crash?

Car crashes can destroy your finances. Just the cost of a rental vehicle for a...
A picture of the back of a person 's head.

Medical Malpractice is the Third Leading Cause of Death

Many people assume cancer is the leading cause of death in the United States, but...
A picture of the back of a person 's head.

What’s Wrong With Dogs Riding Loose in a Vehicle?

Nothing signals summer like the sight of a dog hanging its head out the passenger...